Upcoming Classes
STEM-Related One-Week Summer Camp
MRT is hosting a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math STEM-related one-week Summer Camp where participants will build a Mars-like four-wheel drive rover run by an on-board Audino microcontroller.
It is going to be the week of June 16th, 2025. This Summer Camp is geared to youngsters 12 to 16 years old. The Mars Rover Project is designed so each student achieves an understanding of a system design. The project covers the construction and discussion of rover sub-systems as micro controller, sensors, and remote control. The course focuses on the assembly of mechanical and electrical components to complete an operational Mars Rover that the student may keep.
The cost will be $250.00 per participant. The classes start on Monday morning at 10:00am and run to 3:00pm each day. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00pm and students need to bring their own lunch except for Friday. The Museum will be hosting a Pizza party that day for all of the students and staff.
Contact Bob Ripley at mratwv@gmail.com for more information or to register.
2025 AA5 Radio Repair “Summer Camp”
Learn How to Repair the All American Five Tube AM Radio
One week. Monday, June 9 thru Friday, June 13 - 10am to 3pm
Due to overwhelming demand, there will be a second class this summer starting Monday, July 28 thru Friday August 1.
Our first All American Five radio repair Summer Camp was so well received that we had a waiting list for 2025. The date has been set for the week of June 9th.
The 2025 summer camp starts on Monday, June 9th and runs through Friday, June 13th. The venue is at the Museum of Radio and Technology, 1640 Florence Ave, Huntington, West Virginia 25701. Classes are going to be four to five hours long per day, starting at 10:00am. Lunch will be from 12:00 to 12:50pm then the afternoon session will start again at 1:00 pm. A typical class day will be divided into somewhat equal parts classroom instruction and hands on lab work. MRT will provide the tools, test equipment, and even a five-tube radio to repair and keep if you don’t have one of your own to work on. Should you like to bring your own radio to summer camp it must be approved by either Bob Ripley or Bill Reich prior to the class start date. The radio should be a five-tube type without a power transformer. Tabletop radios are preferred. Either of these folks can be reached at mratwv@gmail.com.
The cost of the course is $225.00, and it is due on Monday morning, the first day of class. The student will also need to bring a three-ring binder to hold the class hand out material, a pencil, and a calculator capable of doing scientific notation (most modern cell phones have this have this capability built into them). Participants are responsible for their own lodging and meals except for Friday in which the MRT staff will be providing a pizza lunch for all that day.
Classes are limited to six participants, and if last year is any indicator seating will fill quickly. If you are interested but have questions or if you would like to sign up contact Bob Ripley at mratwv@gmail.com.

There is a reference book for the AA5 classes.
It is All American Five Radio from Scratch by Dick Whipple. This book is available from Amazon for less than $18.00. Participants in the AA5 classes are not required to purchase this book to take the course but it is a great reference during and after the course is completed.
LED Christmas Tree Build from Kit Class
The Museum of Radio and Technology is hosting a kids kit-build day on Saturday, December 6th.
Participants will learn how to solder electronic components to a circuit board. The end result will be a three dimensional Christmas tree with blinking lights that they can take home with them. Pizza and drinks will be served from 12:00 to 1:00pm.
The cost is $35.00 per registrant. Seating is limited. To register send an email to mratwv@gmail.com with your child’s name and your contact information. Our address is 1640 Florence Ave,. Huntington, WV 25701